Sims 4 freelancer mods mod#
Looking for the best Sims 4 mods ? We've got you sorted. With a new Sims 4 update due to be released this coming week, ahead of the new Sims 4 Snowy Escape expansion pack, there is a chance the bug could get fixed soon, but if it doesn’t or if you want to advance your freelance Sims while we wait there’s a mod to help you out. If you want to try out some other tricks, check out some of our extra The Sims 4 cheat content. It is important to note though that some of the careers listed above exist only in expansion packs such as The Sims 4: City Living or The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle so they won’t work unless you have purchased and installed the expansion packs. careers.add_career - change career outfit in Create a Sim.careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeamĪnd there’s a few more extra career cheats to try out below if you want to fiddle with the career choices of your Sims.careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-Sports.The Sims 4 part-time career promotion cheats If you’re holding down a part-time career and want to earn a little more, you can use the following cheats to win that easy promotion. The Sim 4 career heats don’t stop with your full-time careers though. careers.promote careers_Adult_Education.careers.promote careers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_Maker.careers.promote careers_Adult_CivilDesigner.The Sims 4 full-time career promotion cheats Once you’ve enabled cheats, you must type testingCheats true into the console and then use any of the relevant cheats below. You can also use the cheats below and replace promote with demote, if you want to take your Sim down a few pegs. Once you’ve enabled Sim 4 career cheats with the instructions above, make sure you’ve clicked on the Sim you want to level up. Each time you use these cheats, you’ll advance a level so you might even fancy repeating this cheat until you reach the top of the ladder. Simply enter careers.promote in your cheat console followed by the name of the career you want to advance your Sim in and voila (make sure you have started this career first though). The Sims Resource - All Freelancer Careers For Teens The Sims Resource - Sims 4 - Scripted Mods - MSQSIMS - All Freelancer Careers For Teens I accept We use cookies to improve your experience, measure your visits, and show you personalized advertising. They literally take the work out of work. With these The Sims 4 career cheats you can get yourself that automatic promotion without any of the effort.